Making a 180 degree turn staircase with 6 rotary steps. For those who want to thank me for the information provided, as well as for the further development of the channel: card number 5536 9141 8069 0350 Tinkoff Bank 5599 0020 1169 9826 YuMoney 4584 4328 2929 9966 Alfa Bank My channel on Zen: https://zen.yandex.ru/id/5c0fda1477e7... I invite you to my second channel: / @live-pn1vu I make turnkey or unpainted stairs in Lipetsk and the Moscow region. I also accept orders from remote corners of Russia. You can order a staircase in VK: https://vk.com/lectnizusam, on the website: https://стойнька48.рф .