The political year is over again. What kind of year was 2024? Erik and Piet-Cees enjoyed looking back on the year together with two colleagues from other parties. Hans Odink has been a councillor for the Christian Union for 11 years. His party is part of the coalition of the municipality of Hardenberg. Romano Boshove is the party leader of GroenLinks-PvdA. He started this council period as party leader of GroenLinks, but the collaboration with the PvdA has now progressed to the point where they will come up with a joint list of candidates for the next elections. A lot has also happened at DOEN'22. We are working hard on the story that should be ready by the end of 2025. In this episode, everyone has brought 3 fragments from the past year. Using 12 fragments, we will discuss the year in an extra-long episode of Bakkie DOEN! What went well? What could have been improved? And what have we perhaps learned from?