SUBSTRATE FOR MARANTHACEA, CALATHEA, CTANANTE and for MARANTA⤵ https://florens.pl/produkt/podloze-ma... What is CALATHEA really like????? The latest genetic research has classified it to the GOEPPERTIA genus. What does it mean? Generally not much, but the name Calathea is simply popular in Poland and you will find such names in plant stores. www.FlorensMarket.pl has many varieties of these houseplants, which not only delight with colors, but also perfectly clean the air and are safe for animals???? The ideal place for them will be a bathroom or any room in the house, where the air humidity is over 50%. You can repot it every month, except December and January to a specialized substrate with an acidic pH. Which species of GOEPPERTIA ARE THE BEST you will see in the film, most of them can be found at these links: https://florens.pl/produkt/kalatea-la... The beautiful elongated and serrated leaves of this variety are unique because they differ greatly from the leaves of other houseplants. https://florens.pl/produkt/kalatea-mu... A plant straight from MATRIX, as evidenced by its binary patterns on the vivid green leaves. https://florens.pl/produkt/calathea-r... A similar variety to Calathea Medallion, but with slightly different colors. https://florens.pl/produkt/kalatea-ca... One of the more popular Goeppertia, and its uniqueness lies in the strong movement of the leaves throughout the day. The leaves strongly arrange themselves vertically at night. https://florens.pl/produkt/calathea-o... The dark leaves of these exotic houseplants are filled with pink stripes. It is quite a tall variety. Of course, in the film you will also see Goeppertia Warszewiczii, which was discovered by the Polish botanist, biologist, and plant collector Józef Warszewicz. Calathea has some of the most beautiful leaves in the world, distinguished by their color and shape. They inhabit dark areas of tropical forests and have "intelligent leaves that adjust to the position of the sun.