Croatia Records on the web: / crorec http://crorec.hr / croatiarecords / crorecdigital / croatiarecords 00:00:00 Everything you have 00:04:18 Let it be dreamed 00:08:06 The streets call us 00:11:34 No more time 00:14:53 Let him kiss you 00:18:22 Poison 00:22:10 Stay 00:25:37 From your lips 00:30:00 I wish you were here 00:33:44 For all these 00:37:17 Sadness, unhappiness 00:40:40 Take me (When you want) 00:44:38 When the hands meet 00:49:49 She threw everything down the river 00:54:15 Sadness, you and me 01:00:49 You know 01:07:06 I won't let this feeling go 01:10:33 Where love begins 01:16:30 There's something heart to heart 01:20:36 The rain is running away from the window 01:23 :56 Dirlija 01:28:34 Twist and shout (I like this thing) 01:31:32 It works for me 01:35:43 Dreaming 01:38:47 Suzo my, be patient