Esther takes a look at Keet Bronkhorst' in Putten in the sixth episode. The men like to 'mess around' with cars and tractors. The shack is now equipped with LED lighting that can be operated via an app. And the roof has been raised, because some people couldn't stand there. Some of the group work as contractors. They describe themselves as 'clumsy and insignificant' and Esther will experience that too. With carbide shooting and racing in the corn as the icing on the cake. Want to follow all the news from Gelderland? Subscribe to our channel: https://ogld.nl/myo Download our free news app: App Store: https://ogld.nl/jwh Google Play Store: https://ogld.nl/jwi Also follow us on: Instagram: https://ogld.nl/jwj Facebook: https://ogld.nl/jwk Twitter: https://ogld.nl/jwl Website: https://www.gld.nl #omroepgld #keet #putten #omroepgld