On the third day, rain was forecasted, so we planned to go somewhere with a roof, and visit the surrounding facilities, including the gold mine, so we went to Kirarium Sado. We visited the former Sado Magistrate's Office, the former Kitazawa Flotation Plant, the Sado Gold Mine, Hakuundai, and the Ryotsu Local History Museum. Day 1: Since we were mostly on the move, we did a little sightseeing along the way • Cross Cub] We rode! We rode! Sado Island Camping Tour Day 1 Day 2: We rode the ladder on Sado Island's tub boat, then tried panning for gold in hopes of getting rich overnight • Cross Cub] Aim for a fortune! Sado Island Camping Tour Day 2 Day 3: Due to rain forecast, we did covered sightseeing of Sado Gold Mine and its surroundings Day 4: Sightseeing in the northern part of Sado Island (Futatsugame, Onogame, Senkaku Bay) Day 5: Hike to Mt. Donden and eat the blue curry that I was curious about, then visit the Toki facility and head home Total distance traveled: 1,676.9km There are five episodes in total. We hope you look forward to the conclusion of the fifth episode. #SadoIsland #DondenSanso #KirariumSado #RyotsuLocalMuseum #KitazawaFlotationPlantRemains #SadoGoldMine #SadoMagistrate'sOfficeRemains #Hakuundai