Another recipe that is already a hit on the blog, now in video format on the channel for you! These fried spring onions in the AirFryer are super crispy and light, perfect for adding to all types of dishes, snacks, salads and even as a snack! Check out the full recipe at this link: https://fritadeirasemoleo.blogspot.co... My cookbooks: http://bit.ly/LivrosFSO Visit my blogs: Oil-Free Fryer - https://fritadeirasemoleo.com.br Pressure Cooker Recipes - https://receitasnapressao.com.br Bread Machine - https://maquinadepao.com.br Sou Gourmet - https://sougourmet.com.br Follow Maurício Rodrigues: Facebook: / mauricioloiolarodrigues Instagram: / mauriciorodrigues Contact: [email protected] or [email protected] #MauricioRodrigues #AirFryer #FritadeiraSemÓleo Music CC BY License 4.0 Title: Positive Rock - Artist: Nicolai Heidlas @NHeidlas / nicolai-heidlas Title: Summertime Jam - Artist: Hooksounds @hooksounds https://www.hooksounds.com