The fifth and sixth episodes are a journey to discover the 'Ndrangheta. An exclusive investigation that crosses the north and south of the peninsula, from Liguria to Calabria, from Milan to Platì passing through Turin, to reconstruct how the mafia organization became one of the most powerful in the world and how it manages to control not only global cocaine trafficking, but also politics and contracts. We will travel across the plains of the Piana di Gioia Tauro where the large estate still survives, we will enter the bunkers where the cocaine is stored by the clans and in Ventimiglia, where even today the Madonna di Polsi, dear to the Calabrians but also to the 'Ndranghetists, is carried in procession. Because of all the mafias, the 'Ndrangheta is the one that has managed to make itself invisible, to make us believe that it is less powerful than it really is.