Police Evening: Crime and the Unknown The events of this radio evening revolve around an exciting social drama about the story of (Sabry) who is linked to his wife (Farida) in a relationship that seems like a strong and sincere love story. But the truth is soon revealed that this story is fabricated by (Sabry), which opens the door to escalating events and intertwining relationships in an exciting plot. Directed by: Enaam El-Gereitly Written by: Abdo Diab Starring: Mohamed Wafik, Sawsan Badr, Ahmed Rateb, Khaled El-Harbi, Mufid Ashour, Khaled Ghassal. An evening that reflects deep human and social dimensions that keep the listener engaged until the end. #Masterpieces_of_Acts_and_Series #Egyptian_Drama #Egyptian_Drama #Crime_Series