Link to the first video I made at Instituto Origem 5 years before this recording... • THIS IS WHAT FARMING WILL BE LIKE IN THE FUTURE - SÃO TOM... My travels have brought me together with amazing people. Whether it's the loving and courageous way they embrace life, or their ability to undertake and make a living doing what they love in nature. This group of people in the south of Minas Gerais is doing such beautiful work that I can only understand it with my heart. The mind, in this case, only serves to put words together and compose a text like this. When I was with them, I drank in the energy of the environment and it nourished me. The waterfall, the outdoor and indoor spaces, the respect for the land, the joy of welcoming us, all of this is priceless. These kids are living the future. Feel it, savor the video. It is a small manual for those who want to make the transition to a sustainable life. If you want to know more or buy the products, here is the link to the website www.institutoorigem.com.br Instagram of Instituto Origem / institutoorigem Soundtrack by Ari Frello / @arifrello.