Homemade Creme Caramel #rapanello #cremcaramel #desserts crème caramel ■ The things I use. my socials, my contacts My Book, You can find them here https://rapanelloelasuacucina.blogspo... ________________________________ Real Crem Caramel Creme caramel, also known as flan, has uncertain origins but is often associated with French and Spanish cuisine. Its history probably dates back to the Middle Ages, when eggs were abundant and chefs looked for creative ways to use them. It has become popular around the world due to its simplicity and delicious taste, with different regional variations that have developed over time. The modern version of creme caramel is mainly made of eggs, milk and sugar, cooked together until they obtain a creamy consistency and covered with a layer of liquid caramel once turned out onto the serving plate. We will make this creme caramel in the traditional shape which is a donut, but if you want with the same doses and times you can make it in steel glasses in single portions. Ingredients Milk one liter 8 eggs Granulated sugar 8 tablespoons Vanilla flavoring Lemon zest More sugar for the caramel First prepare the caramel, it's easy, but you have to be careful with the temperatures. In a heavy saucepan put 6 tablespoons of normal sugar, put it on the stove over medium heat and wait until it becomes a little liquid, start mixing it with a dry steel spoon and as soon as it becomes hazelnut color remove it from the stove and in less than 30 seconds it will be light brown. Pour the caramel into the donut mold, or into the plum cake mold or prepare about ten individual steel molds. The caramel will solidify immediately like hard candy. Put a liter of milk on the stove with a lemon peel in it and bring it to the boil. In the meantime beat 8 medium eggs with 8 tablespoons of sugar, just a whisk, and add vanilla flavoring. As soon as the milk has boiled remove it from the stove and add it to the eggs, mixing, otherwise you will make an omelette. Once the ingredients are well mixed, filtering with a strainer, fill the mold or molds. You will have already turned the oven on at 135 degrees. Take a large roasting pan, place a non-synthetic cloth underneath, and add 5 centimeters of boiling water. Also add the filled molds, being very careful not to let the water or milk come out. It will therefore be a bain-marie oven cooking at low temperature. When the oven is hot, place the creme caramel with the entire pan in the center of the oven slightly at the bottom and cook for 90 minutes. Once 90 minutes have passed, the creme caramel is firm, and you can put it in the refrigerator for a few hours. To decant it takes a bit of patience if you want to do it right away, you will have to detach the creme caramel from the edges of the pan with the tip of a knife, but if you wait a night it will detach on its own. Turn it upside down on a plate, the caramel will have melted during cooking and will cover this marvel that has nothing to do with the ready-made Crem Caramel sachets that are sold in supermarkets. It will be delicious. #rapanello #desserts #cremcaramel _________________________________ ■ My book https://www.impremix.it/prodotto/fate... ■ RAPANELLO SHOP https://rapanelloelasuacucina.blogspo... ■ The Blog https://rapanelloelasuacucina.blogspo... ■ Facebook / rapanell0 ■ Instagram / rapanello.rapanello ■ Contact only for commercials [email protected] ■ My second channel of HOME AND GARDEN WORKS / @casaegiardinodigabriele rapanello recipes