http://andrebona.com.br ↓ « CONTENT » Hello everyone, how are you? André Bona from Blog de Valor in another video on my channel about finances and investments for you! This is the Financial Glossary section, which airs every Sunday, and which I created thinking about your family, your children, and people who are still starting out in life or who have very little knowledge about things related to banks and financial services in general! On other days, the sections about investments and finances will continue normally for those of you who already have a certain amount of knowledge, okay? In last Sunday's video, I explained to you about cash payments and installment payments. I also explained that every time you make a payment in installments, you generate a debt, which may not be good for you!!! Today I'm going to explain to you what a CREDITOR is and what a DEBTOR is! A creditor is a person or company that grants some type of credit to someone. Think of this credit as synonymous with believing. So a creditor is a person or company that believes in another person or company and, therefore, delivers a product or service – or even money – trusting that they will receive payment for it in the future. When your family signs up for an internet plan for your home, the company goes there and installs everything and makes everything work. So this company believes in your family and, because it believes in you, it will make everything right for you to surf the web, watch my videos here on YouTube, use the internet for work or leisure. And why does it need to believe in your family? Because in the future, it will receive payment for this service it is providing to you. So, to the extent that it provides a service to you so that you pay later, it becomes your CREDITOR! The same happens when your family buys a car or a house through a bank loan. The bank believes that your family will pay for that loan in the future and so it lends the money and becomes a CREDITOR. On the other hand, in the case of an internet company, when the company installs everything and gets everything working there, you thank the person who does the installation and think: “ok, I owe you this one!”. This means that from that moment on, when the company provided the service to you without demanding any payment, you start to have this commitment to pay it in the future! So, you just become the DEBTOR in this relationship. The same thing happens with the financing of your family’s house! The bank believes in your family and becomes the CREDITOR and your family says to the bank: “thank you, I owe you this one!” and becomes the DEBTOR in this relationship. So, a DEBTOR is a person or company that has a commitment to pay for having borrowed money or for having purchased a product or service for later payment! Got it? That was our Financial Glossary section and that was today’s tip! Don't forget to subscribe to the channel, click the bell to receive notifications of new videos and go to blogdevalor.com.br to register your email and also receive my other guidance on investments, ok? A big hug and until the next video! ✓ « WATCH NEXT » ▶ Investment Consulting (free) - http://andrebona.com.br/assessoria-de... ▶ Investor Profile (discover yours) - http://andrebona.com.br/investidor-co... ▶ How to start investing: http://andrebona.com.br/como-comecar-... ▶ How to choose your brokerage: http://andrebona.com.br/como-escolher... « INVITATION » To be invited to live events, receive new content like this, or even to finish watching the video later, (1) access Blog de Valor now; and (2) follow me on your favorite social network. Just click below: ▶ BLOG - http://andrebona.com.br ▶ PODCAST - / andrebona ▶ FACEBOOK (like page) - / blogdevalor ▶ TWITTER (follow) - / andre_bona ▶ YOUTUBE (subscribe) - https://www.youtube.com/user/andrelvb... Video link: