Get must-have and super useful files for your 80+ on the Unified State Exam in Social Science in the TG channel - https://t.me/+J5yI9Qpq0INkOTUy Sanchez the Social Science is in touch, and I will help you drag the dorm to a good score ???? In 7 years of teaching, I graduated 197 students with 100 points, and every seventh student with 100 points in the country prepared with me ???? If you want the same, then write me the code "NG" in a personal message https://t.me/obshestvoznaika1 If this video does not load for you, then you can watch it on my VK - https://vk.com/obschestvoznaika_egeland And also subscribe to my TG, where every day I post a bunch of useful things for the Unified State Exam in Society - https://t.me/+J5yI9Qpq0INkOTUy All about preparation in You can find out about the EGE Land online school with other teachers here - https://el-ed.ru/#lead #egesociety #egeponsociety #socialscienceege #socialscience #ege2025 #egeppreparation