Hello, how are you? In this video I teach you how to make a decorated mug. It is part of the Make and Sell Project with the Faby Rodrigues Team. Also watch the videos from the other participating channels: (links below) YOU CAN FIND THE PRODUCTS USED IN THIS VIDEO ON THE WEBSITE: www.fabyrodrigues.com.br __________________________________________ PARTICIPATING CHANNELS: Faby Rodrigues - / @fabyrodrigues Aline Pavão - / aline pavão Ana Burdak - / anaburdak Biscuit Artesanato Jane Christovam - / @janechristovam Flavia Martins - / @flaviamartinsatelie Liliane Artes - / @lilianeartes8870 Marcia Mendes - / @marciamendes4024 Gerla's Studio / @ateliedagerla9509 Sarajoara Gugel / @sarajoaragugel Dflores Biscuit Studio Daiana Flores / @ateliedfloresbiscuit6880 Elizangela Arte Biscuit / @elizangelaleticiarodrigues3921 Primor Biscuit - Priscila Mendes / @primorbiscuit-priscilamend8165 ______________________________________ Molds used (Simone Moldes): Santinhos da Selminha. Code 617 Lowercase Alphabet P. Code 472 Christmas Accessories Code 620