I'm speaking to Andrea Kaden today. Before she came to my little office for this recording, I tidied up very carefully. Because Andrea Kaden keeps things tidy. And because she was with me many years ago to analyze and improve my workplace and work processes, I wanted her to see that she had a lasting effect on me. And she did. Because she knows exactly what she's doing and how to do it. Andrea Kaden is a professional organizer and with her agency Zeitgewinn she creates much more than just order. Order means freedom; order creates space for leisure and creativity. Creating order means learning to let go and gaining time for everything that is more important than searching. I hope you find listening inspiring and that you have fun tidying up, throwing things away and shedding excess baggage afterwards. More about Andrea Kaden: Zeitgewinn Agency: https://zeitgewinn-hamburg.de/ Andrea Kaden and Ralf Westphal, »Working in the Office with System« (Book, https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Ralf-Westp...) Andrea Kaden and Ralf Westphal, »More Productive and Satisfied in the Office« (Book, https://leanpub.com/produktiver-und-z...) More about Ildikó von Kürthy: https://www.ildikovonkuerthy.de/ »Tomorrow Can Come« (Book, https://www.rowohlt.de/buch/ildiko-vo..., and audio book, https://www.argon-verlag.de/hoerbuch/...) »It's Time« (Book, https://www.rowohlt.de/buch/ildiko-vo..., and audio book, https://www.argon-verlag.de/hoerbuch/...) »It's Time - The Diary for Complaining, Laughing, and Getting Smarter« (https://www.rowohlt.de/buch/ildiko-vo...) Here you can find more books (https://www.rowohlt.de/autor/ildiko-v...) and audio books (https://www.argon-verlag.de/autorinne...) by Ildikó von Kürthy. Listen to and subscribe to the podcast »Frauenstimmen« for free: https://argonverlag.lnk.to/podcast_fr... More podcasts from argon podcast: http://argon-podcast.de/