We are going to create an attendance registration system with QR codes and Google Sheets, which can be used for participation, to grade assignments, or any other classroom problem that can be solved with this technological pedagogical tool. “There are many ways to take attendance in a group, it can be a classroom or an office. The most practical ways will always be those that allow the people themselves to register their attendance in a system and everything is handled automatically, without complicating this record. Using a QR code to achieve this purpose is ideal, since we will simply ask people to scan it, and thus they will not have to write or validate anything else.” Alekz (2022) My website where you will find all my social networks and a little more about me. https://pakopank97.github.io/portafolio/ Link where the manual of how to do everything step by step is, to copy and paste. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CHlV...