Create NAME Matrix In Pe Design Program ::: Join the Free Hand Embroidery Community ???? https://freehandbordados.com.br/comun... ::: Visit our Website Visit: https://freehandbordados.com.br/ ::: Buy your embroidery machine and material with DISCOUNT!! Visit: https://www.fashionmaq.com.br and apply the coupon FREEHAND20 :::: Who Am I?! I'm Leonardo Sant'Ana, an embroidery matrix programmer for over 12 years, and a Teacher for 3 years! I created this channel with the intention of spreading knowledge to people involved in this embroidery branch, sharing knowledge about matrices and programs such as Wilcom, Embird and Pe Design! Follow here, every week a NEW FREE CLASS and be part of our FREE HAND family, always with you, learning and undertaking! :::: TAGS: #freehandbordados #comunidadefreehandbordados #comunidadefreehand #freehand #criarmatrizes #embroidery #matrices #embroiderymachine #pedesign #wilcom #embird :::: Follow Our Social Media: Facebook: http://bit.ly/facebook_freehandbordados Instagram: http://bit.ly/instagram_freehandbordados YouTube: http://bit.ly/youtube_freehandbordados Website: https://www.freehandbordados.com.br