CLICK HERE AND BECOME A MEMBER OF THE BISCUIT DECORATION CLUB: / @biscuitdecoraÇÃomarilenetatsch Do you need materials and tools for biscuit? I have put together a collection of essential items at very low prices. Just click on the link below: https://mycollection.shop/biscuitdeco... ⚠️ For more tips, follow me on my social networks at the link below: https://linktr.ee/Biscuitdecoracao ⚠️ ALSO LEARN: BABY BEAR JARS: • CREATE GLASS JARS WITH FAKE KNITTING AND... KING BEAR AND BALLOON BEAR IN BISCUIT: • BABY BISCUIT BEAR: LEARN THE STEP... BISCUIT ANIMALS: • MODELING BISCUIT ANIMALS WITH THEME... COTTON JAR IN BISCUIT: • BISCUIT JARS: CUSTOMIZE WITH THEME... BISCUIT UNICORN: • BISCUIT UNICORN - MAKE WITHOUT MOLDS! HONEY POT IN BISCUIT: • BISCUIT JARS: LEARN HOW TO MAKE ... ⚠️ WANT TO LEARN SEVERAL RECYCLING THINGS? VISIT THE ARTE DE CORAÇÃO CHANNEL: / @artedecoracaooficial In this video you will learn how to make BEAUTIFUL BABY BEAR ORNAMENTS IN BISCUIT from start to finish, in a super detailed step by step. This modeling works for both male and female teddy bears. Be creative, make a balloon teddy bear, a king teddy bear and use it in teddy bear appliques, souvenirs, or even cake toppers. The model is ideal for those who want to learn basic and versatile modeling. It does not require professional skills, and is also recommended for biscuit beginners. Take a risk, escape the mold, and get to work! On this channel you will find basic and advanced tutorials on making biscuit pieces. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced artisan, I share some techniques for making dolls, fake cakes, flowers and other biscuit items, which I have learned over a few years of working in the field, through research and experience.