Welcome everyone to this episode 8 of the series to easily create an RPG on Unity 3D. Today we display the armor pieces corresponding to those equipped in the inventory. Episode script: checkItem.cs (Formerly checkWeapon.cs): https://pastebin.com/Yy0mPbjE I remind you that this script is related to MY project, if you have added more items or made personal modifications you will have to readapt the scripts. Project GitHub: https://github.com/TUTOUNITYFR/TUTO-R... Unity version of the video: Unity 2017.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please respect other users in the comments section & report or ignore insulting/negative comments. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TWITTER : / tutounityfr DEVELOPER WEBSITE : http://www.yeti-studio.net HELP FORUM : http://www.forum.yeti-studio.net DOWNLOAD UNITY 3D (all versions): https://unity3d.com/get-unity/downloa...