#minicoxinhawithoutmachinery #coxinhadefestaparainiciantestodafeitahandmade #cursogratuitodeminicoxinhaparainiciantes Hello my loves, this video is for you who want to start selling party snacks and only have your kitchen at home and the hands that God gave you, so I made this super class that for me became a totally free course to help you, because I will teach you how to prepare creamy coxinha with chicken and fried cream cheese, freeze it so you can offer convenience to your customer and earn a lot of money, I will also give you several tips on dough, filling, frying on the stove at home and sales suggestions, don't miss this video, it can change your life. Preparation method: Check out the video. Want to send me treats? Then I'll show you during the recordings of my videos, because now I have a PO Box ???????? PO BOX: Maria Confeiteira Postal Box 13 ZIP Code: 06311-971 Carapicuiba / SP FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: ■ FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/mariadosocor... ■ INSTAGRAM https://instagram.com/maria_confeitei... CONTACT FOR PARTNERSHIPS: [email protected] #minifritaecongelada #freecoursefritacoxinhaartesanal #courseiniciantes #mariaconfeiteita