To make this SpongeBob Crazy Hat you need the following materials: 1 piece of cardboard measuring 40 x 60 cm. 1 sheet of yellow foam. 10 sheets of letter-sized foam in different colors. 1 piece of black cardboard. Half a meter of self-adhesive mica. Measuring tape or ruler. 1 permanent marker. Scissors, cold silicone and hot silicone. Printed images of SpongeBob and his friends. What is Crazy Hat Day about? On this day, children use their creativity with the help of their parents to make a hat with their favorite theme. When is Crazy Hat Day? April 30 is Crazy Hat Day. In Mexico it coincides with Children's Day. With the pandemic and distance learning, some teachers implemented the activity of crazy hairstyles or hats in order to celebrate April 30th, this activity was so popular with the children that it stayed once they returned to the schools. #hats #hat #april30 #childrensday #childrensday #crafts #diy