Crazy Coral on Tour is a journey into aquarium stories that Dorota and the Crazy Coral team take you on. Today we are Damian's guests, see what's going on in his aquarium, listen to the conversation and get inspired by the waving corals and Damian's passion. You can also buy the corals seen at Damian's in our store, LPS, SPS, soft corals https://crazycoral.pl/pl/24-ultra-kor... The tank is lit by Reef flare Pro Blue lamps: https://crazycoral.pl/pl/205-lampy-re... The dosing pumps are the Dosing pump X4 series: https://crazycoral.pl/pl/207-pompy-do... An interesting fact that we share with pride is the fact that Damian joined the Crazy Coral team shortly after recording! :) If you love what you do, you will never work a day! We thank Damian for his commitment and passion for marine aquariums. We cordially invite you to visit Crazy Coral and feel the unique atmosphere that accompanies visiting and shopping in our marine aquarium center. Come and experience it! :) Crazy Coral - Marine Aquarium Center ul. Jastrzębia 12, Żołędowo (near Bydgoszcz) Opening hours: Mon.: 12:00-16:00 Tue.-Wed.: 12:00-18:00 Thu.-Fri.: 12:00-20:00 Saturday: 10:00-14:00 Sunday: closed