CRAZY!!! COMPUTER FAILED TO GUESS WORLD CHAMPION'S MOVE GARRY KASPAROV This video contains a very interesting match between the world champion at that time, Garry Kasparov against Veselin Topalov in 1999. Many observers agree that this is one of the best matches in history because even the computer failed to guess Kasparov's move plan and considered him to have made a blunder. The series of moves in this game are guaranteed to amaze us. #garrykasparov #kasparovvstopalov #computerfailstoreadkasparov'smove #bestcheckmateinhistory #magnuscarlsen #mikhailtal #viswanathananand #supergrandmaster #grandmaster #wongcatur #chessworld #worldchess #chess #check #checkmate #magnuscarlsenlose #garykasparov #bobbyfischer #ututadianto #irenekharisma #susantomegaranto