Many painters have painted Venus, but doesn't Cranach's Venus have a nice body? 💃 Her body is a bit chubby and her legs are a bit short...💦 But there is a reason for this Venus's body shape☝️✨ Men will definitely sympathize⁉️ Women will find her theory surprising⁉️ This is Goro's passionate speech🤣 You might understand what eroticism is~🤫💕 And if you also watch the episode about Dürer, who was from the same generation and hometown as Cranach, you can enjoy it even more🌚🌝 • [Dürer] Why does it look like Christ even though it's a self-portrait? [Self-portrait from 1500] Please subscribe to the channel, click the 👍 button, and comment🎨 [👯♀️Announcement👯♀️] ① Goro's deep and good😎 art book is here📚 Pre-orders for Dark History of Western Painting (White Darkness, Volume 5) have started! If you purchase from the special site below, you will receive a special bonus! https://www.sogensha.co.jp/special/ya... ② Goro's new book is now on sale📗🎉 ※It's a book about mechanical watches that is just as detailed as art🕰 It's a 400-page masterpiece!!! https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4065233682 https://books.rakuten.co.jp/rb/167925... ③An art class will be held in Tokyo (Aoyama) on Saturday, January 29, 2022❗️ "An Introduction to Western Painting in 120 Minutes" A class that gives you a rough understanding of the history of Western painting in 2000, even if you have no prior knowledge🖼 ●Classroom https://www.nhk-cul.co.jp/programs/pr... ●Online https://www.nhk-cul.co.jp/programs/pr... ④An art class will be held in Nagoya on Saturday, November 27, 2021. Famous painters' no-good showdown (final episode!) Picasso vs. Dali🎨 We'll compare and explain the two painters🗣 ◯Classroom course https://www.nhk-cul.co.jp/programs/pr... ◯Online course https://www.nhk-cul.co.jp/programs/pr... ✏️Official Twitter here / yamadagoroch ◎For work and collaboration requests on YouTube, please send a DM on SNS! 🥚Tidbits of information from Wada🐣 Between Cranach and Dürer, I prefer Cranach! I would like you to draw me in fashionable clothes 🥰 🎈Starring🎈 Yamada Goro 🖼Image source🖼 Wikimedia Commons https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fi... 🎨Planning, editing, and illustrations🎨 Tohan Planning #Cranach #Goro's erotic theory explodes #The guy who drew Luther you'll definitely see in world history textbooks #Businessman court painter who's great at changing direction #Same generation as Dürer #Master of erotica #Venus and Cupid #Martin Luther#Yamada Goro #Art commentary