The courts of violence against women (VsM) hear proceedings for crimes referred to in article 173.2 of the Criminal Code, provided that the following links exist between the active and passive subjects: The woman who is or has been the spouse or is or has been linked to the author by a similar emotional relationship, even without cohabitation. Circular 4/2005, of the FGE establishes that, in the latter case, there must be a certain stability or vocation of permanence in the sentimental relationship, excluding relationships of mere friendship, or temporary or sporadic encounters (SAP Barcelona, Secc. 2ª, 291/2004, of March 15, rec. 252/2004). Provided that the woman has also been a victim of acts of gender violence, other persons in the family or emotional circle may be liable, such as: • The offspring of the aggressor or of the wife or partner: these may therefore be men or women, regardless of their age and without limitation of degree. The offspring of ex-wives, ex-partners or girlfriends are not included, but the offspring of the wife are included, even if the spouses are not living together because they are legally or de facto separated. Once these requirements have been met, the offspring is not required to live with the aggressor or with the wife or partner, and the ruling of Circular 4/2003 of the FGE on new legal instruments for the prosecution of domestic violence is applicable in this regard. • Minors or persons with judicially modified capacity who live with the perpetrator or who are subject to the power, guardianship, curatorship, foster care or de facto custody of the wife or partner: in this case, minors or incapacitated persons must live with the aggressor or, even if they do not live with him, be subject to the power, guardianship, curatorship, foster care or de facto custody of the wife —who may not live with the aggressor— or the partner —this term, on the contrary, implies that the woman must necessarily live with the perpetrator—. Let's watch the video.