THE BLESSING OF RAMADAN While waiting for the time to break the fast, let's make the fast more cheerful, with Raffi Ahmad, Hesti Purwadinata, Ivan Gunawan, Kiky Saputri and King Nassar! In addition to making it cheerful, there are Ustad Syam and Ustad Maulana who will give an anti-worry sermon. THE BLESSING OF RAMADAN Present every day during the month of Ramadan at 16.30 === PART 1: • Couple Goals Again! Thariq and Aaliyah... PART 2: • Alhamdulillah, Ummi Pipik's First Child... PART 3: • Aaliyah's Sadness Regarding the Late A... PART 4: • Is It Permissible to Show Good Deeds... PART 5: • Breaking the Fast with This Couple! BE... PART 6: • Time to Call the Winner! BERK... === WEBSITE - http://www.transtv.co.id TWITTER - / transtv_corp FACEBOOK - / transtvmedia INSTAGRAM - / transtv_corp #BerkahnyaRamadan #16March2024