???? EXPLORE THE UNIQUE ENERGY OF GAÚCHA MUSIC IN OUR EXCLUSIVE PLAYLIST: • BEST GAÚCHA SONGS: TOP 22 CLASSICS... ???? DO YOU DREAM OF HAVING YOUR VIDEO PLAYING AND/OR SINGING PUBLISHED ON OUR CHANNEL? THEN, CONNECT WITH US ON WHATSAPP TO BE PART OF THIS MUSICAL COMMUNITY: +55 (51) 99955-9587. ???? FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: INSTAGRAM: / asmelhorescancoesgauchas TIK TOK: / asmelhorescancoesgauchas SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/user/31q5j5h... ???? CHECK OUT THE LYRICS OF THE SONGS YOU LIKE: I grew up in the countryside and I can prove it in my image I live in the cave on a ranch by the stream Near the woods where I eat wild fruits Aritchicum, guabiroba and pitanga Cross of Lorena hanging over my chest To command respect and free myself from evils and fears A very big hat, wide bombacha and scarf Boots and guaiaca and a visor over my shoulders When I wake up in my fur nest I hear in the distance the bleating of the cattle The lapwing the guardian of the dawn With its chicks hiding in the grass I go out looking for a cunning hen I'm looking and I a chamoatim stings I find her getting up from the nest And a lizard comes crawling in the grass The wood rail screams, predicting rain And a woodpecker enthroned on the tree trunk I sit in the shade to drink my chimarrão A guacho suckling pig comes and turns the kettle on for me This happens to me who lives in the countryside I write and sing these barnyard verses Thank God I'm still standing on the stirrup I love and live this country life COMPOSER/LYRICS: BAITACA ???? SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL TO FOLLOW THE LATEST NEWS. #riograndedosul #GauchoMusic #FarroupilhaWeek #TheBestGauchoSongs #AlmadoRioGrandeCandieiroCDBailãoGaúcho #GauchoMusic #GauchescaMusic #The100MostPlayedGauchoSongs #MusicFromTheSouth #TraditionalMusic #The20BestGauchoSongs #MostPlayedGauchesca #NativistMusic #TraditionalGauchoMusic #MostPlayedGauchescaMusic #countrylife #baitaca #porcaveia #bereniceazambuja #joaoluizcorrêa #Vaneira, #vanera, #vanerão, #vaneirão, #vanerinha #vaneirinha