Hello everyone! In today's video, we're going to talk about cosmic inflation. Do you know what this theory is? Inflation is the name given to a possible rapid expansion suffered by the universe at its very beginning. In other words, right after the Big Bang, the universe stretched exponentially, increasing its size by approximately 10ˆ26! But what could have caused this cosmic inflation? Particle physicists were already studying grand unification theories without connecting them to the study of cosmology. The union between the world of the very small and the very large began to take shape, providing an explanation for the beginning of exponential expansion in the early universe. As the universe expanded and cooled, the single fundamental force of nature split into the fundamental forces we know today. The energy released in the separation of the strong force from the electroweak force would have driven inflation. The inflation theory solves some problems in the Big Bang theory: Flatness problem Horizon problem Monopole problem Instagram: @bariogenesis #Inflation #bariogenesis