The Cortez Law or the Common Price Law has been debated for some years so that we can have price equity and discounts on the books that are launched. The market lives off the turnover of launches, the new releases and it is necessary to understand a little about the pricing of the book and how the Cortez Law can have a positive impact so that we have a minimum survival of the bookstores, for example. Today, we are going to talk a little about this. Text in 451 that I commented on: https://quatrocincoum.com.br/artigos/... Text in OperaMundi: https://operamundi.uol.com.br/politic... Lecture on the Common Price Law by Marisa Midori: • Opening Lecture: Book and the law of... PS: There is a conceptual error on my part, when I say that we would only have a loss if we sold everything at 50%. This is not true. The publisher tries to work knowing that it is possible to sell the entire stock at a 50% discount, on average, since sales and consignments can vary between 45% and 55%. Therefore, it is possible for the book to pay for itself this way, but with a much lower profit rate than selling at the cover price.