Corn 2023: Every year we start our corn holiday in East Germany at Van den Tillaart Agrar. Not only because these people are particularly hospitable and friendly, but also certainly for the performances that this team is capable of. Every year, an hour or two, and a whole lot of machines, are specially made available to do something special. This year, all choppers are present and there are quite a few. We see the following choppers. A John Deere 9800i, a 7750i, an 8600i, an 8400i and a 7350i. These are equipped with three 12-rowers and 2 8-rowers. In the fantastic show that these people put on, 52 rows of corn are harvested from the field at the same time. When all 10 transport vehicles are full at the end of the chopping process, all 10 of them are unloaded at the same time into the mega pit. Once again a great start to the holiday, and a fantastic achievement by these people with a lot of love for their profession and farm life!! Mais 2023: Jedes Jahr start wir unseren Maisurlaub in Ostdeutschland at Van den Tillaart Agrar. Since these people are friendly and have a good relationship, without having to worry about their lifestyles, they are also a great team. During the years we have had two studies and a whole set of mixed machines, and it was of special interest to us. Dieses since all Häcksler wesend, und es since diemlich zijn. We will continue with the following Erntemachinen. A John Deere 9800i, a 7750i, a 8600i, a 8400i and a 7350i. Diese since with three 12 and two 8 rows of heavy duty machines. In the fantastic show that we watched, 52 Maisreihen were presented in one piece. At the end of the day, when all 10 Transport vehicles were full, all 10 were loaded into the Mega-Grube. Enjoy a great start in your home and enjoy a fantastic life with people who love your time and live their life!!! Corn 2023: Every year we start our corn vacation in East Germany at Van den Tillaart Agrar. Not only because these people are extremely hospitable and sociable, but also for the achievements this team is capable of. Every year they reserve an hour or two, and a whole bunch of machinery is set aside, to do something special. This year, all the harvesters are in attendance, and there are quite a few of them. We see the following harvesters. A John Deere 9800i, a 7750i, an 8600i, an 8400i and a 7350i. These feature three 12 rowers and 2 8 rowers. In the fantastic show put away by these folks, 52 rows of corn go off the field at a time. When at the end of the harvest all 10 transport vehicles are full, all 10 are unloaded in the mega-pit. Again a great start of the vacation, and a fantastic performance by these people with a lot of love for their profession and farm life! Mais 2023 : Chaque année, nous commençons nos vacances du maize en Allemagne de l'Est chez Van den Tillaart Agrar. Not because of the nature of the private individuals and sociables, but also because of the results of the equipment that is capable of being employed. Chaque année, une heure ou deux, insi qu'un grand nombre de machines, sont consacrées à tâche particulière. Cette année, toutes les déchiqueteuses sont presentes et elles sont assez nombreuses. Nous voyons les moissonneuses suivantes. One John Deere 9800i, one 7750i, one 8600i, one 8400i and one 7350i. The three moissonneuses of the 12 grades and the second moissonneuses of the 8 grades. The fantastic spectacle of what is available, 52 ranges of the types of champagne available. At the end of the recovery process, the 10 vehicles used for transport around the squares are used for the mega-fosse. Enjoy a great experience, an excellent holiday debut and a fantastic realization of the personal aspects of your profession and the experience of life!