August 22, 2024, the calm before the storm in DÄmpelhof: The three concerts on the site of the former Tempelhof Airport are intended to be particularly sustainable. But not only in ecological terms. There are also particularly cheap social tickets. A good opportunity to talk to Bela and Farin about ticket prices. How much did the first Ärzte concert cost in 1982? How does the band discuss beer prices? Why is the tour organizer so angry with many other artists? And of course Marco also talks to fans about how they finance their concert visits. ______________________ ► Like on the first day – Die Ärzte and their comebacks (E01): • Video ► Unrockbar – Die Ärzte and their hits (E02): • Video ► The wonderful world of Farin U. (E03): • Video ► A song for you – Die Ärzte and their fans (E04): • Video ► I am rich – Die Ärzte and their success (E05): • Video ► Because I am a drummer – Bela B (E06) • Video ► Die Ärzte and the women (E07): • Video ► Rod loves you – Rod Gonzalez (E08): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cU4l-... ► Die Ärzte and politics (E09): • Video ► Die Ärzte and their bizarre, ingenious ideas (E10): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGxM5... ► Die Ärzte and their performances (E11): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f76sO... ► Die Ärzte and the Toten Hosen (E12): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8VRF... ► The Doctors and their bizarre-genius ideas (encore 1): • The Doctors and their bizarre-genius ideas... ► The Doctors and politics (encore 2): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dEKO... ► The Doctors and the Toten Hosen (encore 3): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmmTF... ► The Doctors about Farin Urlaub (encore 4): / watch ► The Doctors about Bela B (encore 5): • The Doctors about Bela B (encore 5) Di... ► The Doctors about Rod (encore 6): • The Doctors about Rod (encore 6) This... ► The doctors and their legacy (encore 7): • The doctors and their legacy (encore... ► More information about the podcast: https://rbburl.de/dieseeineliebe ► "This One Love" in the ARD audio library: https://rbburl.de/dieseeineliebeard #ThisOneLove #MarcoSeiffert #TheDoctors