COPD is a chronic lung disease in which the lungs are inflamed and damaged. It is a collective name for chronic bronchitis and pulmonary emphysema. Simply put, COPD is a disease in which the lungs are always full of small inflammations that cause permanent damage. If you have COPD, you often have shortness of breath. One of the best-known symptoms of COPD is constant shortness of breath. Sometimes this can even be so severe that you need extra oxygen every day. In addition to shortness of breath, coughing is one of the symptoms of COPD. Coughing often occurs with this lung disease, because there is a lot of mucus in the lungs. Shortness of breath is also one of the symptoms of COPD. In the beginning of the disease, this is mainly during heavy physical exertion, but later the smallest things can make you short of breath. Most people only develop COPD at a later age. In 8 out of 10 people, the cause of COPD is smoking tobacco. People who have stopped smoking for years also have an increased risk of COPD. In some cases, a (hereditary) disease is the cause of COPD. Poorly treated asthma can also eventually lead to COPD, as can having a lot of pneumonia. Unfortunately, COPD cannot yet be cured. However, with the right treatment and lifestyle adjustments, the course of the disease can be influenced. Medicines help to reduce symptoms such as shortness of breath and coughing. Sometimes it is necessary for people with COPD to be given extra oxygen. Not smoking, eating healthily and exercising regularly are things you can do yourself to make life with COPD easier. More information about COPD, the symptoms, the treatment and what you can do yourself can be found at www.longfonds.nl/COPD. Do you want to know how much risk you have of COPD? Then take the COPD risk test at www.longfonds.nl/copdrisicotest.