COPD: A very common disease that we regularly face, especially in emergency medicine. What is COPD, how do exacerbations work, which symptoms provide clues and, above all, which therapy should we use? -- What do you think? -- Sources, important links and more can be found in the show notes on our website !!! https://www.nerdfallmedizin.blog !!! Daily news from the world of emergency medicine? Then follow us now on Facebook and Twitter: !!! / nerdfallmedizin !!! !!! / nerdfallmedizin ! ! A look behind the scenes can be found on Instagram: !!! / nerdfallmedizin ! ! You can also get all videos for free directly via Telegram! !!! More information: https://www.nerdfallmedizin.blog/tele... !!! --- IMPORTANT: This video is aimed at personnel who work professionally in emergency medicine or are in training, e.g. rescue personnel, nursing staff, doctors and medical students. Patients cannot be advised on this channel under any circumstances. In life-threatening emergencies please dial 112; if you have any medical questions, contact your family doctor.