Du'a Surah Al-Waqiah: Bismillaahirohmaanirrohiim Ya Allah, Lord Almighty who owns and sent down this great Surah al-Waqiah. we beseech You in Your name ar-Rozzaq (the Most Provident), al-Ghoniy (the Most Rich), al-Mughniy (the Most Sufficient), and al-Karim (the Most Noble). Open the door of Your love, Your favor, and Your provision. Grant us perfect favors, continuous protection, safety in this world and the hereafter, the best life, abundant supplies of life, ample provision, treasure that sufficient and blessed, useful knowledge, beautiful morals, and success in pursuing the greatest ideals and blessings in the afterlife. Save us from poverty and debt trap. Accept our requests and prayers, O God who loves loved ones. Pour out Your mercy on us and those who sin against You. May blessings and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, and his companions. All worship and praise is only for You, O God, Lord of the Universe. Arabic: . God bless you. وَمُنْزِلَ هَذِهِ السُّوْرَةِ الْمُنِيْفَة . We ask you, Ya Allah, in your name, to open the doors of your mercy, grace, and sustenance. وَأنْ تَرْزُقَنَا مِنَ النِّعْمَةِ تَمَامَهَا . وَ مِنَ الْعِصْمَة دَوَامَهَا . وَمِنَ الْعَافِيَةِ حُصُوْلَهَا . وَمِنَ الدُّنْيَا خَيْرَهَا وَ مِنَ الْمَعِيْشَةِ أَرْغَدَهَا . وَ مِنَ الْأَرْزَاقِ أَوْسَعَهَا . وَ مِنَ الْأَمْوَالِ أَجْزَلَهَا وَ أَبْرَكَهَا . وَمِنَ الْعُلُوْمِ أَنْفَعَهَا .وَ مِنَ الْأَخْلَاقِ أَحْسَنَهَا. وَمِنَ الْمَطَالِبِ نَيْلَهَا وَمِنَ الاخِرَةِ نَعِيْمَهَا . وَتُغْنِيَنَا مِنَ الْفَقْرِ وَتُعَافِيَنَا مِنَ الدَّيْنِ . وَتُكْرِمَنَا بِالإِجَابَةِ وَالْقَبُولِ . يَا أَرْحَمَ الرَّاحِمِينَ . إِرْحَمْنَا وَلّى اللهُ عَلى سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ وَعلَى الَلِهِ وَصَحْهِ وَسَلَّمَ وَالْحَمْدُ لله رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ Latin : AlloHumma robba hadziHis suurotil waaqi 'atisy syariifaH, wa mungzila HadziHis suurotil muniifaH, nas aluka yaa Allah bismikal fattaahir rrozzaaqil ghoniyyil mughniyyil kariim, ang taftaha lanaa abewaaba rohmatika wa fadlika wa rizkika, wa ang tar zuqonaa minan ni'mati tamaa maha, wa minal 'ishmati dawaa maHa, wa minal 'aafiyati khusuu laHaa, wa minad dunyaa khoyroHaa, wa minal ma 'iisyati arghodaHaa, wa minal arzaaqii awsa'aHaa, wa minal amwaali ajezalaHaa wa aberokaHaa, wa minal 'uluumi angfa'aHaa, wa minal akhlaaqui ahsanaHaa, wa minal mathoolibi nailaHaa, wa minal aakhiroti na'iimaHaa, wa tughniyanaa minal faqeri wa tu'aafiyanaa minad dain 3 x, wa tukrimanaa bil ijaabati wal qobuul, Yes arhamarr roohimiin 3x, irhamnaa wal mudznibiina, wa shollallooHu 'alaa sayyidinaa muhammadin, wa 'alaa aalihi wa shohbiHi wa sallam, walhamdulillaaHi robbil 'aalamiin __________________________________ Ya Allah please grant those who watch this video the ability to always remember Allah and the ease of inviting Your rizki as well as the blessing of every hearing and reading surat al waqiah as a sign of the fulfillment of all prayers, If those who are currently sick please grant healing and full health, if those who are in debt may it be paid off soon, O Allah, guide us to all good deeds and forgive our sins - all our sins amen Let's support this channel by Like, Comment, and Subscribe to benefit each other Thank you #alwaqiah #zikir #wirid #wiridmustajabpenarikrezek #zikirpenenanghatidanpikiran #dhikr #dua #doacepatkaya #doapelunashutang #miracledzikir