Convicted - the most terrible prison in Russia


Институт УДО

Published on Jun 7, 2023
About : — for questions about consultation, protection of your rights and legitimate interests in court Write us a private message in the VK group: ???? +7 900 268-44-10 (WhatsApp / Telegram) Write to WhatsApp: Write to Telegram: All our social networks, contacts and reviews: Training of lawyers on parole and replacement of punishment: ___________ This terrible and frank film tells the story of one of the most terrible prisons in Russia. The hidden world of a maximum security prison, where only the most desperate and brutal murderers, dismemberers and sociopaths are kept, keeps the viewer behind closed shutters. In total, these 260 prisoners took the lives of more than 800 people. Black Berkut (official Federal State Institution "Correctional Colony No. 56 of the Federal Penitentiary Service for the Sverdlovsk Region") is a maximum security prison for life-sentenced prisoners in the village of Lozvinsky, Ivdelsky Urban District, Sverdlovsk Region, closed in 2019. The film allows the viewer to look into the minds and souls of these sub-humans. With frank cruelty and ordinariness, they talk about themselves and their crimes, their lives and deaths, redemption and despair, madness and hope. The film follows them relentlessly for several months, showing what happens to a person in a locked space of a solitary confinement cell 23 hours a day, day after day. You will see what you never want to see: the human mind and soul on the verge of madness and despair. This film opens the viewer's eyes to the horrors of a Russian prison, to what people can do after having had enough of cruelty, pain and suffering. This is a story about people who have had everything taken away from them, who have forgotten what life and freedom are. The film never leaves its characters, but shows their lives as they are, with their horrors, suffering and despair. Black Berkut (official Federal State Institution "Correctional Colony No. 56 of the Federal Penitentiary Service for the Sverdlovsk Region") is a special regime penal colony for life-sentenced prisoners in the village of Lozvinsky, Ivdelsky Urban District, Sverdlovsk Region (distance from Yekaterinburg is 615 km), closed in 2019. The head of the colony (as of November 2018) is Colonel of the Internal Service Dadashov Subkhan Dadashbala ogly. The occupancy limit is 499 places, including a section of the penal colony-settlement for 40 people[7]. "Black Berkut" is the only colony in the Soviet period for criminals sentenced to death, whose capital punishment was replaced by a 20-year term in a special regime colony. After the introduction of life imprisonment, another building was built in Berkut. The Black Berkut was divided into two parts. One contained those convicted of serious crimes to 20-25 years in prison, the other — those sentenced to life imprisonment. In 1989, a riot with hostage-taking occurred in the colony. At first, the prisoners demanded that they be given money and transport, but after the prison was cordoned off by troops, they surrendered on the condition that their prison terms would not be increased. Since then, there have been no more escape attempts[. In 2019, the colony was closed. Subscribe to our channel and be free! For questions about protecting your interests in court, write to private messages. We are on all social networks. You can also call or write to us on Telegram or WhatsApp: +7 900 268-44-10 Test for the probability of parole and replacement of sentence on our website We are on VK: We are on Ya.Dzen: We are on Telegram: We are on OK: Our team has been working all over the country for 12 years, and has a huge bank of victories in cases of any complexity. Parole, PTR, ITR Restriction of freedom (bracelet), FINE, Reduction of sentence. If you need help in mitigating a sentence, conditional early release or replacing the unserved part of a sentence with a more lenient type of punishment - contact us. Good luck to everyone in your business!

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