Conversational English from scratch: 10 lessons in one video! This is a collection of the first 10 lessons of the course Conversational English Absolutely from ZERO. This English language course is designed for people who have absolutely no knowledge and base in English or this knowledge is minimal. This English language course is designed in such a way that after the first lesson you will be able to understand some questions, phrases and sentences, as well as answer them. This is a very effective course tested by myself. Buy me a coffee: https://buymeacoffee.com/vitaliienglish Online English language school SmartOwlCrew - https://ua.smartowlcrew.com/sale You will be given a discount from the Easy English channel 00:00-00:45 Introduction 00:46 -19:57 First class 19:58-47:52 Second class 47:53-1:13:22 Third class 1:13:23-1:32:15 Fourth lesson 1:32:15-1:53:20 Fifth lesson 1:53:21-2:19:53 Sixth lesson 2:19:54-2:41 :22 Seventh lesson 2:41:23-2:58:35 Eighth lesson 2:58:36-3:18:54 Ninth Lesson 3:18:55-3:37:37 Tenth Lesson 3:37:38-3:37:49 End