"A Narrative" is the title of a series of conversations that narrate the personal and social experiences of well-known Iranian personalities in their own language. In this issue, we have an interview with Barzo Christopher Behnam, a famous Iranian pilot of United Airlines in America. Mr. Behnam, who prefers to be called Captain Behnam, on February 13th, 2018, managed to safely land a passenger plane with 381 passengers in Hawaii with great effort and skill. ----------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ Radio Farda; Contact time: Website: www.radiofarda.com Instagram: www.instagram.com/radiofarda Facebook: www.facebook.com/radio.farda Twitter: www.twitter.com/radiofarda_ Telegram Id: @fardagram Soundcloud: www.soundcloud .com/radio-farda TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@radio.farda