The guest of this episode is a person who studied at the University of Industrial Engineering, was once a Snap driver and once was an HSE expert of a bus company, but from one point onward, the ground for his growth is provided in a completely different direction, and our guest is also the one with the dirty work he offers. The gas bed runs in this direction. He can be a stand-up comedian, he participates in the production of a TV show, and many other cool things. The guest of this episode is Abu Talib Hosseinieh. @abutalebhosseini ====== Sponsors of this episode: Hamtapay (digital currency exchange platform) https://hamtapay.net/ If you complete your registration and authentication with karnakon identifier code by the end of spring 1402, you will receive one hundred thousand currencies. You will also receive digital Shiba as a gift. Hamtick (project and work management software) https://hamtick.com/ Karnakon 25% discount code for upgrading on the Hamtick site, which is only valid for the first 30 people. ====== ???? career path design course: https://karnakon.ir/product/careerpat... ???? SEO and content creation course to enter the job market in 8 weeks https://karnakon.ir/seoandcontent / --------------------- ???? Our new free course: ???? Learning skills and earning money: https://karnakon.ir/product/skill-lea.. ???? Our free webinars: ???? Career path mistakes webinar: • Career path design and common mistakes in it ???? Internet magic webinar in path design Career: • Designing a career path and the magic of the Internet ???? Webinar Interest is not everything: • Interest is not everything! - Live Karnak Darb... --------------------- ???? The most visited YouTube videos: ???? Conversation with Mohammad Reza Shaban Ali, the founder of the supplement: • Conversation with Mohammad Reza Shaban Ali ( 1) - Q... ???? A conversation with Mehdi Shajari, the founder of Mobonews: • The first part of the conversation with Mehdi Shajari - YouTube... ???? A conversation with Milad Nouri, the programmer and CEO of Tukan Tech: • The first part of the conversation with Milad Nouri - Program N... --------------------- ???? Answers to your questions and concerns in the field of career and education: ❓ Ask Karneken, by clicking on the link below, you will get the answer to your question from us. Get it: https://karnakon.ir/ask-karnakon --------------------- ???? Karnakon on other networks: ???? Karnakon on Instagram (+ holding various related live to job and education): / karnakon.podcast ???? Karnakon on Telegram: https://t.me/karnakon ???? Karnakon on Cassette Box Episodes): https://b2n.ir/s61515 ???? Karken on LinkedIn: / amin-aramesh Timecode 00:00 - Introduction of Abutaleb Hosseini's job 03:49 - Peddling and first job experiences 15:13 - Study period 16:13 - Experience Working at Snap 21:08 - Working life 24:30 - First experience of stand-up comedy 30:04 - Be funny 31:24 - Entering Khandwana and writing in Videocheck 35:00 - Challenges after broadcasting Khandwana 38:10 - Earning money after Khandwana 42:30 - The role of luck 47:40 - Collaboration with Adel Ferdosipour 50:07 - Criterion Accepting and rejecting job offers 57:10 - Abutaleb Hosseini podcast 1:02:28 - How to be more creative Be 1:04:20 - How to deal with negative comments 1:07:57 - The role of various factors in our success 1:17:16 - Mistakes and experiences of the career path