Principle of operation of this scheme: When the start button is pressed, the current passes through the contactor's pulley, thus closing the open contacts and opening the closed contacts of the contactor, the pulley remains powered by the automatic contact connected in parallel with the start button and this until the current is cut by pressing the stop button. The principle of operation of this connection: When the start button is pressed, the current reaches the contactor coil, closing the open points and disconnecting the closed points, and the circuit continues to operate through the self-maintaining point connected in parallel with the start button until the current is disconnected by pressing the stop button. Connecting the contactor How to connect the contactor Explaining the method of installing the contactor Controlling the contactor using the button Commander a contactor march arrêt d'un contacteur Commander a contacteur by the button poussoir contacteur contacteur trip has the branchement pompe branchement motor tableau of command armoir electric Auto - maintien électrique Schema automaintien Auto - maintien definition Bouton poussoir auto maintien Schneider Schneider Auto maintien Automaintien Automaintien contacteur Auto maintien Schema Auto maintien Bouton poussoir Auto maintien ladder Auto maintien electrical Auto maintien elec Auto maintien cablage Auto maintien d'un contacteur Auto maintien automation