ATTENTION, COMRADE! We are missing the first 10 minutes of the broadcast - you can watch them on the Krasny Povorot channel, link below. Also present is the uneven volume of Anton's and the other speakers' voices - unfortunately, the problem was fixed only by the end of the stream. However, as you can see, in general the quality of our broadcasts is gradually improving - and will continue to improve. On August 23 at 16:00 (MSK) we will hold a stream dialogue on the topic of consumer society together with comrades from Krasny Povorot. The topic is triggering for many and does not lose its relevance. Therefore, on the stream we will discuss the sources of this concept and its modern interpretations in the Marxist environment. We will also talk about what needs are and what their origins are, how consumption relates to production, and much, much more. Alexey Shmagirev and Oleg Metzler will speak on behalf of Krasny Povorot, and Anton Churin and Nikolay Svidrigailov will represent Lenin Crew. Red Turn on YouTube: / @user-red_turn Red Turn on Telegram: https://t.me/red_turn LENIN CREW on Telegram: https://t.me/lenin_crew Support LENIN CREW during the broadcast: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/leni... Sberbank card for donations: 4276 4900 4508 7345 #consumer_society #lenin_crew #Red_turn #Communism #Science #Marxism #society