Consumer Patrol tells the story of Carol, who went to a store to buy a pair of sneakers advertised for R$35.99. The price, however, was in Euros and the store refused to sell them for less than R$300, thus ignoring what the Consumer Code says. She then asked Celso Russomanno for help to resolve the issue. Our WhatsApp: https://cidadealerta.r7.com/whatsapp Subscribe to the Cidade Alerta channel: http://r7.com/0Fhv Watch the full episodes on PlayPlus: https://www.playplus.com Facebook: /cidadealertarecord Instagram: /cidadealerta Twitter: /cidadealerta Official website: https://recordtv.r7.com/cidade-alerta #CidadeAlerta #LuizBacci #PatrulhaDoConsumidor