Welcome to the Afghan Friendship Channel. We hope you will be the viewer of our most interesting reports and programs. Support us and share your best constructive ideas. Please like / comment and subscribe me. afghan doosti Afghan doosti Afghan_doosti Construction and reconstruction of Kabul Explosion of the Kabul mountains Leveling the Kabul mountains and building the largest road from north to south Beginning of the construction of the largest road from north to south From the Khairkhana wall to the Qambar intersection Matiullah Haidari report Destruction of Marshal Fahim University and construction of the largest road in Kabul Destruction of the walls of the Ministry of Defense and construction of a sack to the Qambar intersection Part 2 of the Khairkhana wall in Kabul Construction and completion of the largest road construction project and connection of the north to the southern provinces of Afghanistan #afghandoosti #afghan #متیع #afghanistan