Enroll in the OAB 1st phase - XXXV Exam class until April 28th and get 50% off: https://www.supremotv.com.br/oab-1a-f... In this class on Constitutionality Control taken from the OAB XXXIV Preparatory Course, you will clear up your doubts about the subject, understanding all the important points and themes. During the class, the teacher addresses the legal provisions related to the content, cites several examples and deals with all the topics mentioned, systematically going through several other contents of Constitutional Law, making the study even more complete. All the content in this video will be of great value for your studies for public exams, graduation and OAB exams. After watching it, you will feel even more prepared to face these challenges! Press play and happy studying! Take the opportunity to follow us on social media! We post free tips and content daily on all of them: Instagram: / supremotv Facebook: / supremo.conc Telegram: bit.ly/TelegramSupremo Supremo Blog: https://blog.supremotv.com.br/