???? CHECK OUT EXCLUSIVE OFFERS: https://www.supremotv.com.br/ Join our new Study Community for free now, with materials, classes and exclusive content. Check out the link: https://chat.whatsapp.com/EjRLhRrmWby... Constitutional control is the mechanism by which the compatibility of normative acts, such as laws and decrees, with the Constitution is verified. It can be carried out preventively or repressively, and is exercised by both bodies of the Judiciary and by bodies of the Legislative Branch. In Brazil, the mixed control model prevails, which combines the diffuse system, where any judge or court can declare the unconstitutionality of a norm in a specific case, and the concentrated system, which grants the Supreme Federal Court the jurisdiction to judge, on a definitive basis, direct actions of unconstitutionality (ADIs) and other abstract processes of control of norms. Constitutional control guarantees the supremacy of the Constitution, preventing norms that are incompatible with the constitutional text from producing legal effects. Professor Bernardo Gonçalves Fernandes will show you how to study the subject clearly. Happy studying! ???? Follow us on social media! We post free tips and content daily on all of them: Instagram: / supremotv Facebook: / supremo.concursos Telegram: bit.ly/TelegramSupremo Supreme Court Blog: https://blog.supremotv.com.br/ Visit our website and check out our courses: https://www.supremotv.com.br/