KNOW EVERY EVENT AS GOOD, KNOW EVERYONE WHO COMES AS Khidr, KNOW EVERY NIGHT AS QADIR. If you were to summarize the Sufi philosophy in one sentence, I think I would say this. A person who can internalize the wisdom in this sentence will achieve peace, serenity and balance in the world. I would like to explain the deep philosophy that is carefully placed in each line one by one. ► Hakan Mengüç Books ↓ ► To buy the book Sen Yola Çıkaz, Yol Sana Görünür at a discount: https://bit.ly/3q81ieu ► To buy the book Ben Ney'im at a discount: https://bit.ly/2T1qp2U ► To buy the book If Your Heart Is Clean, Your Story Ends Happy at a discount: https://bit.ly/3bv8uIn ► To buy the book No Encounter Is a Coincidence at a discount: https://bit.ly/2Lp31YR ► To buy the book Philosophy series: Mevlana: https://bit.ly/2Bdpp6c ► To buy the book Should I Go, Should I Stay: https://bit.ly/3uEJybt ► Social media accounts ↓ Website ► http://www.hakanmenguc.org Facebook ► / hakanmenguc Twitter ► / hakanmenguc Instagram ► / hakanmenguc Snapchat ► / hakanmenguc Blog. ► http://www.hakanmenguc.org/blog Linkedin ► https://goo.gl/5DhN3S