Dr. Giancarlo Aldo Corti, a specialist in Orthopedic and Trauma Surgery and spinal surgery, talks to us about the consequences of lumbar canal stenosis. His activity (over 2,000 operations performed) has focused mainly on the surgical treatment of spinal pathologies, such as cervical and lumbar canal stenosis, scoliosis, spondylolisthesis, herniated disc, severe discopathies, vertebral fractures and vertebral metastases. He was the first in Italy to perform an ileo-sacral fixation procedure using a percutaneous technique. He currently practices his surgical activity: at the Humanitas San PIO X Clinic in Milan, at the Columbus Clinic Center, the Humanitas Gavazzeni Clinic in Bergamo, at the Santa Rita Clinic (Policlinico di Monza - Vercelli). He works as an outpatient at the Humanitas San Pio X Clinic in Milan, at the Sant'Anna All'arco Medical Center in Busto Arsizio, at the Correctional Medical Gym in Nerviano and at the Humanitas Medical Care De Angeli in Milan.