Imre Bedő, the founder of the Men's Club, was the guest of Hit Rádió's Középont program. He said that today there is a world where the second or third generation no longer sees their father all day, so words are much more important now. This, on the other hand, is a serious effort for men, who are usually not men of words. The Men's Club is meant to fill this gap. He brought up the general problem that many relationships can create in people. In his opinion, one who has many relationships will eventually become stoned to the heart. Because you constantly have to hide your own behavior from yourself. Another serious social problem, according to Imre Bedő, is that they do not pay enough attention to the education of girls. They set the bar very high, which only twenty percent of men can meet. Editor-host: Rita Fekete Collaborators: Gergely Kovács, András Longauer, József Szabó --- www.hitradio.hu www.facebook.com/hitradiobp instagram: / hitradiobp Hit Rádió's public life channel: / @hitradiobudapest Hit Rádió's faith life channel: / @hitradioplusz Hit Radio's extra channel: / @feketerita Program Director: Zoltán Szobota Editor-in-Chief: Tamás Király Collaborators: Bátór Bagócsi, Gergely Kovács, András Longauer, Zsófi Legény