✨ Dialogue between scientists and women healers n°1 ✨ What if science and spirituality were not opposed, but complementary? 🌌 In this exceptional live, dive into the heart of a fascinating conversation where scientific rigor meets intuitive wisdom. A physicist, a holistic therapist and a healer come together to share their visions on subjects that concern us all: • How can scientific and spiritual approaches coexist for our well-being? • What links energy, health and Consciousness? • How can knowledge of subtle mechanisms transform our daily lives? 👉 Whether you are curious, skeptical or passionate, this live promises to shake up your beliefs and open up new perspectives. Watch live to ask your questions or enjoy the replay at any time. Find our speakers on their social networks: • 🔮 Maryline Le Gars: facebook: / marylinemarche instagram: / maryline_guerisseuse YouTube: / @marylinelegars website: https://www.marylinelegars.com/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ • 🔬 Patrice Capeau: facebook: / origin8sas instagram: / origin8_sas website: https://www.origin8.fr/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • 🌿Véronique Avril: facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... instagram: / ma_conscience_ma_dit website: https://maconsciencemadit.com/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 💡 Don't miss this unique discussion that links ancient and modern knowledge. Activate notifications to make sure you don't miss anything! #eveildeconscience #eveilspirituel #conscience #developpementpersonnel