Displaying 3 ways how to connect parts knitwear simple by arranging for each case one of the ways. ????Instagram: / larchik_knit I knit a snood scarf (sew it): https://goo.gl/7ZwBal Knitting needles: http://ali.ski/1pjgVS Scissors: http://fas.st/5QoYi Knitting markers: http://fas.st/iw8b1G Curved knitting needles and needles: http://fas.st/2ZVIa Thanks for the like, I'm interested in reading your comments. Subscribe to the channel. ______________________________________________ Displaying 3 ways how to connect parts knitwear simple by arranging for each case one of the ways. I knit a scarf-LIC (cross-linking): https://goo.gl/7ZwBal knitting Needles: http://ali.ski/1pjgVS Scissors: http://fas.st/5QoYi Markers for knitting: http://fas.st/iw8b1G Curved needles and needles: http://fas.st/2ZVIa Thanks for Like, I'm curious to read your comments. Subscribe to the channel.