This article connects the basic concepts related to enlightenment practice together. Enlightenment, spiritual awakening, Kundalini awakening, awakening, practice, compassion, wisdom... The path of Buddha Shakyamuni, the way of enlightenment of Christianity is also summarized at the end of the article. Categories: What is enlightenment? What is awakening? What is practice? Why balance the 7 chakras? Are compassion, wisdom and enlightenment related? The path of Buddha Shakyamuni Don't give up to achieve something How did Christianity become enlightened? Read here: https://toitinhthuc.com/tu-hanh/ #luanxa #thien #giacngo #chualanh #tinhthuc #thuctinh #thuctinhtamlinh #tuhanh #phatthichca #phat #phatphap #phatgiao #daophat #phatgiaoonguyenthuy #daoconggiao